How do I add a new staff member?

Step 1: Make sure you are logged in to your Dashboard. If you are not logged in, click here.

Step 2: Once you are logged in to your Dashboard, select the Staff Members option under Website in the menu on the left.

Step 3: To edit existing staff pages, select the Page Title or edit link for the staff page you would like to edit. This will open the page.

Step 4: To add a new staff page, click the Add a staff member button in the top-right corner.

Step 5: Once the Add a staff member window opens, type in the new staff member's name (this will be the page title). Then, click the Save as a draft & preview button.

Step 6: Once you click the Save as a draft & preview button, your new, blank staff page will be created and will automatically open to where you can edit the page.

Step 7: To add a banner image, click the pencil icon in the very first editable section. If you wish remove the banner image, simply click the trash icon.

Step 8: To add a headshot that appears in other staff sections throughout the website, click the Settings option in the top page controls.

Step 9: When the Settings window opens, you can edit the Page Title, the Excerpt, and the Thumbnail image. 

Step 10: When you are done, click Publish changes at the bottom of the window.

Step 11: To add/edit content and a headshot that appears on the page, click the pencil icon for the main content section.

Step 12: When the Default Page Content window opens, you can:

  • Add & edit content by using the text-box.
  • Add an image that will be featured in the top-left corner of the content section and will wrap around the text.
  • Adjust the section Padding (the amount of white space above and below the section).

Step 13: Once you are done editing your new staff page, click the Update button at the bottom of the window.

Step 14: Then, click the Publish Page button in the upper right-hand corner to save your edits. 

Note: Publishing the page does not make the webpage visible online to search engines. It simply saves any changes you make.

Don't stop now! You're not done yet! This new page is not in your menu or other staff sections yet.

Step 15: Now that your new staff page has been created and published, it can be added to your website menu by navigating back to your Dashboard. To do so, click ← All staff, in the top-left corner of the page.

Step 16: Once the Staff Members page loads, select the Menu Editor option from the Website menu.

Step 17: Once the Menu Editor page opens, you can add the new staff page to your menu by dragging and dropping it where you would like it to be. Then, click the Save button in the top-right corner to add the page to your website menu.

Yay! You have successfully added this new page to your website's menu. One last part to go!

Step 18: To add the new staff member to a staff section or slider, navigate to the page with the staff section or slider you would like to edit. (Typically this is your Home page and/or About page.)

Step 19: Once you are on the correct page, scroll to view the staff section or slider you would like to edit. Then, click the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the section.

Step 20: Once the Edit Staff Block window opens, click over to the Staff tab.

Step 21: On the Staff tab, you can choose two Selection Types: 

  1. The All Staff Members option will list all Staff pages in a random order.
  2. The Featured Staff option will list specific Staff pages of your choice and allow for a custom order.

Step 22: If you select the Featured Staff option, scroll down the window until you see the All staff area. 

Step 23: To add specific staff members, click the plus sign to add them to the featured Staff section. Then, you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping the blocks as needed. 

Step 24: When you are done, click the Update button to add the staff member to the section and save your changes.

Step 25: To edit what appears under the new staff member's name in these sections, you will need to navigate to the individual staff page and refer back to Steps 8 & 9 of this article to update the Excerpt.

Step 26: After the section is updated to your liking and you see the new staff member(s), click the Publish Page button in the upper right-hand section of the page to publish your new staff member to your website and save your changes!

Congrats! You have finished adding a new staff page to your website!

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