How do I get HIPAA Compliant emails?

We partner with Hushmail to offer our clients HIPAA Compliant email addresses and online fillable forms. This allows you to send and receive email messages and contact forms from your website that may contain PHI (Protected Health Information) while complying with HIPAA requirements. 

If you would like more than one HIPAA Compliant Email or several Digital Intake Forms that clients can fill out and sign online, our Business and Enterprise plans might be a good fit for you! 

Step 1: Make sure you are logged in to your Dashboard. If you are not logged in, click here.

Step 2: Once you are logged in, select the HIPAA Emails option under Tools in the menu on the left.

Step 3: Once the HIPAA Secure Emails page loads, click the Sign up today button. 

Step 4: Unsure if Hushmail is right for you? You can schedule a demo with one of our Customer Success Specialists to run though a demo together and get any questions you may have answered by clicking the Schedule a demo button. 

Step 5: Once you have clicked on the Sign up today button, you will be directed to, where you can see the different packages we offer and scroll down to fill out the HIPAA Package Intake Form, as shown here:

Step 6: Fill out the first step of the HIPAA Package Intake Form and then click the Next button.

Step 7: Fill out the second and last step by selecting the HIPAA Package of your choice and the frequency of billing that you prefer.

*Please note: If you are on the Flourish, Thrive, or Prosper subscription plan, please choose the Enterprise Package and select a random choice for the billing question as we are aware it will come included with your subscription at no extra cost. 

Step 8: Once you have finished filling out the HIPAA Package Intake Form and you have agreed to the Terms & Conditions, click the Submit button below.

Step 9: Once your form has been submitted, you will see a notification like this one:

After you have submitted your form, Hushmail will immediately be notified and will prepare a digital BAA for you to sign within 1-2 business days.

Once you have signed the digital BAA, a member of our team will reach out to you via email regarding how you can start using your new HIPAA Secure email(s) Then, you will be able to start sending and receiving emails with your new HIPAA Secure email.

Congrats! You have successfully signed up with Hushmail! 

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