Exporting Blog and Images from WordPress
To transfer all of the blog posts and their data (like images, authors, tags, categories, etc.) from your previous WordPress website to your new Brighter Vision website, we will first need you to export all of the posts and images into an XML file that your design team can easily upload on your behalf.
This is the easiest and most secure way for us to transfer all of your blog post data from Wordpress to your new Brighter Vision website.
Getting Started
Step 1: First, you will need to log into your WordPress website. Typically this is done by adding /wp-admin after your domain name and entering your user login credentials.
Example: yourdomainname.com/wp-admin
Step 2: In order to properly export your content, you will want to:
- Clean up your website by removing any unwanted blog posts or blog post drafts.
- Review or delete any Spam comments. If there are any pending comments, approve or delete them as needed.
- Set your Privacy Settings to Public to ensure all images transfer correctly (if applicable).
- Keep your previous website active until after the transfer has been completed.
Exporting your Data
To create the XML files with all of your site’s blog posts, please follow the steps below. We do ask for two separate XML files to ensure the complete transfer of your data.
These steps may be different depending on the type of WordPress website you may have. For this tutorial, we will be using a website with plugins. If your WordPress website does not support plugins, please scroll down to Step 7.
Step 1: From your website's Dashboard, navigate to Tools > Export via the menu on the left.
Step 2: On the Export page, you must first select the Media option.
- Set the Start date as the oldest date.
- Set the End date as the most recent date.
Step 3: Click the Download Export File button to download the file to your computer.
Step 4: Rename the file and add "-media" to the end of the file name so that your designers can tell the XML files apart in the event of an issue.
Example Media file: surewellcounselingllc.WordPress.2023-10-27-media.xml
Step 5: Repeat the above process with Posts now selected to download a new XML file with only the blog post data.
Step 6: Rename the file and add "-posts" to the end of the file name so that your designers can tell the XML files apart in the event of an issue.
Example Posts file: surewellcounselingllc.WordPress.2023-10-27-posts.xml
Step 7: If your WordPress website does not support plugins, you can instead click the downward arrow on the Export page to select the media and post data specifically to export. Be sure each XML file is downloaded separately and renamed accordingly like the examples below, so your designers can tell the files apart in the event of an issue.
Example Media file: surewellcounselingllc.WordPress.2023-10-27-media.xml
Example Posts file: surewellcounselingllc.WordPress.2023-10-27-posts.xml
Step 8: Attach both Media and Posts XML files to an email and then send it to your design team; then we will import the files into your new Brighter Vision Website for you within two business days.
After Your Export
If you are hoping to delete your previous WordPress website after you have exported your data, it is very important to wait until after the XML files have been successfully imported into your new Brighter Vision website, which may take up to two (2) business days.
Your Design Team will send you an email within two (2) business days letting you know when your data has been successfully transferred.